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Brrrr! It sure has been chilly these days, even in sunny Calif. These are the times I love to soak in nice long baths, and since December is my birthday month, I usually get gifted with things that keep me warm. This year my dear friends teamed up and presented me with a beautiful ivory cashmere robe and I can't tell you how much I've been cherishing this. Surprisingly, it's as warm as fleece without the bulkiness. Yes, it's a splurge but if you're thinking of making someone smile this Christmas, I bet it's an item that's sure to be cherished. Restoration Hardware is having a sale and they carry many colors to meet your taste; be sure to check it out and stay warm (or make someone warm)!!

With the bleak economy these days, aren't you sick of reading depressing stories in the media? But these stories do make you stop and think -- shouldn't I be saving more for my piggy bank? But yikes, 'tis the season to be shopping and the hoidays are right around the corner!! Doesn't look like Santa's been tuning into the news and Rudolph's already on his way out the gate.
Don't fret just yet, I think there are unique ways to cut corners this year and "something different" than the conventional shopping mall gift might make you look creative, and yet not really stingy. I think giving something pricier in a category where one might not spend as much for themselves is the trick. Like a really nice party platter at Crate & Barrel for $50 goes a long way than a $50 gift basket of olive oils, salami and crackers. Here's a really cute food idea from Dean & Deluca if you're looking for a hostess gift or a casual gift. The fine grocery purveyor from NYC really does a nice job in sourcing their stuff and I love their "Let it Snow Cookies" (regular price: $58 --> now for $29.50) or "Santa's Sugar Cookie Work Shop" (regular price: $68 --> now for $34) More ideas to come!