Friday, July 11, 2008

Cute overload!

The Savvy Auntie site I recommended was a hit. Not having my own kid leaves me with more free time and a reason to spoil other distant munchkins, but I just got a note from my HOA that the next board mtg. is set for 9/15... which means they may finally approve the permission to own small dogs under 25 lbs.! Whatever dog I adopt will be MY munchkin for sure!

So while I patiently wait for them to give the green light, I'm definitely doing my homework these days. Surfing dog sites, joining Yahoo! dog groups, and connecting with Coton De Tulear breeders and owners. While I was digging around, I almost fell off my chair when I found some sites that sell "puppy announcement" cards. Wow, I would've never guessed! This is too fun!!!! Hey, maybe I can have a puppy shower so that my furry companion will be all ready for his/her home. Do I sound vain?? I know my future fellow dog owner buddies won't think so, or at least I hope.

I've been invited to a Coton Play Date on Sunday at Crissy Fields in the city. It'll be a great chance to check out the breed and mingle with other owners, I am excited!

Don't be surprised if you get one of these cards from me to celebrate the arrival of my furry friend.

1 comment:

fffabulous said...

This is too cute!!! I can't wait to receive your new puppy announcement:)