Monday, March 19, 2012

Chop Chop

It's been a while since I last took a cooking class and I've been hearing some good stuff about the ones at Cavallo Point, a luxury hotel in Sausalito, California. The School is located on the second floor of Cavallo Point's flagship restaurant, Murray Circle.  Seems they have a variety of classes through the months of March - May and it might be worth a visit if you're tired of other classes in the city.

If you're a wine lover, this might be a great pairing for you:
Thursday, March 22 6–8 pm
Join Sheana Davis of The Epicurean Connection to taste Spring cheeses made in California, prepare a selection of Spring relishes and enjoy a glass of Spring Wine. A trio of fresh Sheep and Spring Cow Milk Cheeses will be featured, including fresh made cow milk Ricotta, Sheep Milk Fraiche, North Bay Curds and Whey Luicca, a blend of cow & sheep milk.
  • Award winning Delice de la Vallee with Raspberry Rose Petal Jam, served with Brut Rose
  • Creme de Fromage with Lemon Zest, served with Sauvignon Blanc
  • Spring Apricot & Meyer Lemon Compote, served with Muscat
  • Cherry & Violet Relish, served with Champagne and Cherries
$65 / person + tax
Or go globe trotting if you're up for some Peruvian fare:
Friday, April 12 6–9 pm
Hands-on Class with Bites
A new monthly series featuring the cuisine and conversation from a particular country, ethnic region or city in the world. Imagine an ethnic-themed cocktail party, where each person is responsible for contributing a dish, story, music, photos, etc. of the featured region. Casey and I both recently wandered through Peru, so we'll use Peru to kick off this exciting new series.
  • Causa
  • Peruvian Ceviche
  • Chicharrones (deep fried hunks of pork... YUM) served with a salad of lime, mint and red onion
  • Smoked Trout and Potato Salad
  • Skewered Beef Heart with Aji Amarillo
$85 / person + tax

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